Worksheets for Math

Math worksheets are curated for various grade levels and topics. The worksheets for math reinforce the step-by-step learning mechanism, which assists students in approaching a problem strategically, recognizing their errors, and developing mathematical skills. It also aids students in active learning by creating an engaging learning experience through the use of a variety of questions rather than passively consuming video and audio content. Math worksheets allow students to solve problems at their own pace and give them a lot of time flexibility. In order to solve more and more worksheets for math, you may visit the website of Cumeath as it provides you with a numerous number of these sheets.


In mathematics, fractions can be defined as a value that helps us to identify the parts or division of a whole. For example, in our everyday life, we cut cakes, pizzas and various other objects, the portion or part which has been cut is the division of the whole cake, this is known as the fraction. The term fraction has been excavated or derived from a Latin word ‘fractus’ which basically signifies ‘broken’ segments. Earlier, this term was used as saying words, but later on, this term was used as a value denoted in mathematics. The symbol which is used to denote a fraction is given by ‘/’, such as c/d. In this article, we will try to cover various aspects of fractions such as parts of fraction, properties of fraction, types of fraction, etc, and do a detailed analysis about them.

Parts of A Fraction 

As mentioned above, fraction is a value used to represent or express the part of a whole. The following points mentioned below analyses the parts of a whole in a brief manner. Such as:

  1. The upper body or part of the fraction is regarded and defined as the numerator of a fraction. For example, let us take a fraction like, ⅚, here, 5 is the numerator.
  2. The lower body or part of the fraction is regarded and defined as the denominator of a fraction. For example, let us take a fraction like, ⅚, here, 6 is the denominator.

Some important Properties of A Fraction 

We know that every part of mathematics has some properties. Numbers like whole numbers or real and irrational numbers or real numbers, every one of them holds some property. Likewise, a fraction also consists of various properties. The following points mentioned below analyses the significant properties of a  fraction;

  1. There are properties like the commutative and associative properties which is very true for the addition and multiplication that goes under a fraction.
  2. The element to identify or recognize the fractional multiplication is 1 and fractional addition is 0. 
  3. You may know the distributive property that holds for the arithmetic operation, multiplication. The numbers of fractions obey it over the operation, addition.
  4. The integers ‘a’ and ‘b’ are always non-zero in the multiplicative inverse of a/b which is b/a.

Various types of Fractions

On the basis of the properties that hold for the numerator and denominator, there are various types of fractions that are classified;

  1. In a fraction, when the numerator is smaller than the denominator, that type of fraction is defined as the proper fraction. For example, 4/9 here the numerator is smaller than the denominator.
  2. The opposite of a proper fraction is known as the improper fraction. The numerator is greater than the denominator. For example, 9/4. 
  3. A fraction that includes both the proper fraction and an integer is known as the mixed fraction.

If you want to learn about fractions in a detailed manner, in a fun way, and in an interactive manner, you may visit the Cuemath website.