What are the most effective ways to be calm at work?

Stress is normal and sometimes useful: it trains the nervous system, increases efficiency and even strengthens the immune system. Many researchers talk about this. However, everything is good in moderation, and after stress, you must definitely relax.

It’s great when you have the opportunity to take a vacation and fly to the warm sea, go to a spa or get a massage. However, relaxation does not always require a lot of time and money – it is possible to master stress-reduction techniques that are easy to use at any time.

The psyche is a fragile thing. So let’s make a reservation right away: these tips help in the fight against mild stress. The boss barked, the child received the fifth deuce in a month, a clumsy fellow traveler stepped on his foot on the bus … If you want to know more about work abroad, go now to the site.

1. Take a walk

If you feel good and are not physically overtired, take a walk, get some air, and observe what is happening around you. You don’t need to make a whole event out of a walk with distant plans: the alley behind the house is perfect if you can walk along it calmly, without haste, alone or with someone who is pleasant and close in spirit to you.

From stress, you need to leave on foot, well, or leave on a bicycle, roller skates, scooter. Preferably in good weather and for two hours. The method is effective, though not particularly applicable in bad weather, which prevails for about five months a year. But it happens and good, you need to use it!

2. Chat with friends and family

Talk to someone who definitely won’t judge you, and more likely, will genuinely sympathize. There is an anecdote about a girl who needed an analogue of a “helpline” – a “sympathy phone”, so that she could call at any time and hear that she was poor and nice, and everyone else was bad. So: sometimes we all need such a “phone”.

3. Take a warm bath or shower

Have you noticed that warm water seems to wash away all daytime problems? The fact is that heat affects the hypothalamus – the part of our brain that is responsible for the functioning of the nervous system, the formation of emotions and restful sleep. If it is not possible to immerse yourself in the water completely, just soak your feet – this will also help.

4. Try meditation and breathing exercises

Pick up a meditation technique for yourself or learn to control your state with the help of breathing. And you can combine one with the other. Here is a simple instruction:

  1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
  2. Connect the pads of the index / ring finger and thumb, place your hands on your knees or on your stomach.
  3. Close your eyes.
  4. Focus on your breathing without trying to change or regulate it.

After that, you can do a simple breathing exercise to slow down and distract from disturbing thoughts. Count to five, first as you inhale and then as you exhale. Try to breathe and count as slowly as possible. This will help you relax a little, but at the same time you will regain control over your emotions and improve your mood.

5. Keep a personal diary

Write down everything that comes to your mind, especially the things that bother you. This helps to understand what is happening, put things in order in the head, and sometimes even see unexpected solutions to problems. But for personal thoughts it is better to have a separate notebook. Social media is not the ideal place for explicit posts – careless commentators can cause additional stress.

6. Change the type of activity

If you have to work hard physically, try solving crossword puzzles or problems, memorize or even compose a poem. And if you are busy with mental stress all day, on the contrary, do something with your hands. For example, cooking delicious food or do creative work. But do not take on complex tasks: it is better to choose something simple in order to see the result as soon as possible and enjoy it.

7. Pet your pet

If you have pets, then it is a sacred thing to resort to their help during times of stress: pet, hug (if the pet does not mind), talk or play. Scientists have proven that communication with animals reduces anxiety, helps to cope with irritability, relax and feel more confident.

8. Look at the situation from the side

Imagine that not you, but your friend got into a stressful situation. And now he is sitting at the table opposite you, talking about what happened and waiting for a reaction, words of support. Come to his aid: listen, try to console, give advice. When you manage to feel like an observer, and not the main character, a sober look at things returns – and the difficulties already look less frightening.

9. Get Physically Active

Do exercises, dance, run – in a word, move in any way that is pleasant for you. You can turn on the music and sing along, imagining yourself a rock star (the neighbors will survive, the main thing is not to finish the concert late in the evening).

10. Clean up the house

Do not rush to throw heavy objects at us: some really help to put things in order. One is the process itself (putting things in order in the surrounding space, they feel that everything in the soul also seems to fall into place), and the other is the result. And really, what could be nicer than going to bed in a clean room on freshly laundered linen…

11. Get some sleep

The saying “the morning is wiser than the evening” was invented for a reason: in a dream, the brain reboots a little, rests, and, waking up, we are ready to look at yesterday’s grief in a new way. In addition, lack of sleep can be a source of stress in itself. So allow yourself to sleep off after stressful situations – the body will thank you.

12. Breathe like a yogi

Even if you feel less like a yogi and more like a teddy bear (a puffball that comes alive only at the sight of food), deep breathing will still show its effectiveness in combating stress. Yes, I know it sounds too easy to believe. But numerous studies have confirmed the relationship of deep breathing with a sense of peace. And you can start right now. No, your eyes don’t deceive you. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest, and inhale deeply for five seconds, directing the air into the abdominal cavity. Then exhale slowly through your mouth.

Following this technique, inhale and exhale ten times. Lower or close your eyes and check if tension is still present in some part of the body. Believe me, the more often you practice, the sooner you will automatically begin to use breathing exercises to combat stress. You can also try the Stress and Anxiety Companion or Pacifica apps.

13. Take control of your notifications

Notifications are little red devils that pat you on the shoulder and yell in your ear: “Wow, now 50% off the thing you wanted to buy three years ago!” You don’t need it. And no one needs it, especially under stress.

Scientists have proven that the less often you check your email, the less emotional stress. Turn off all automatic notifications and decide when to check your inbox. Perhaps the best option would be once an hour. Or maybe twice a day. You will understand which mode suits you best. If you have now read this sentence and thought: “I can’t even imagine this!” – analyze why you reacted the way you did. Email senders don’t expect an instant response.

14. Understand what helps you relax

This is my favorite moment: I’m nervous, and they tell me: “Just relax.” (Thank you very much. If I could do that, there wouldn’t be a problem at all.) Think about what activities help you relieve stress, and give them a place in your schedule in advance. In other words, instead of waiting for the moment of crisis, allow yourself to relax several times a week. Both physical activity, such as running or dancing, and creative activities, such as coloring, pottery, drawing, cooking, or gardening, will help.

Just don’t expect great results – at least right away. You don’t have to be a professional at everything just because you’re an adult. Are you paid for this? No. Are you going to grow your product jewelry business through Instagram? I hope no. Allow yourself to be just an amateur at least in something.