What Are Some Steps That Can Be Taken To Address Sexual Harassment?
In this article, we will explore some steps that can be taken to address sexual harassment. Sexual harassment can be a difficult topic to approach, but it is important to be aware of the issue and take action to prevent it. If you or someone you know is a victim of sexual harassment in Calgary, you may want to contact a Calgary harassment lawyer to explore your legal options.
What is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment can be a difficult topic to discuss, but it is important to do so. Harassment can take many different forms, including unwanted touching, comments about someone’s body or sex life, and sexual advances. While sexual harassment can affect anyone, it disproportionately affects women. According to a study by the National Women’s Law Center, women who experience sexual harassment at work are more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, and chronic physical health problems.
Sexual harassment includes:
- Making unwanted sexual advances or sexual jokes.
- Touching, grabbing, or fondling someone without their consent.
- Leering or making sexual comments about someone’s body.
- Sending sexually explicit emails or text messages.
For behavior to be considered sexual harassment, it does not have to be sexual. Behavior that is offensive or creates a hostile work environment because of someone’s gender can also be considered sexual harassment.
How can employers prevent and address sexual harassment in the workplace?
Sexual harassment can be committed by anyone in the workplace, including employers, managers, co-workers, and customers.
Employers can prevent and address sexual harassment in several ways. First, they should develop and enforce a clear policy prohibiting sexual harassment. The policy should include a description of sexual harassment, examples of unacceptable behavior, and the consequences for violating the policy. The policy should also be communicated to all employees and be included in employee handbooks or manuals. There should also be strict rules and legal measures to ensure safety at workplaces. You can click here for legal help and info.
Second, employers should provide training on sexual harassment prevention to all employees. This training should cover what constitutes sexual harassment, how to identify it, and how to report it. Employees should also be taught how to respond if they are targeted or witness someone else being harassed.
Third, employers should create an environment where employees feel comfortable reporting any incidents of sexual harassment. Employees should not fear retaliation for reporting misconduct. Employers should investigate all allegations of sexual harassment promptly and take appropriate corrective action if warranted.
Donate to organizations that support victims of sexual harassment.
Another way to address sexual harassment is to donate to organizations that support victims. These organizations can provide help and resources for victims, including counseling, legal assistance, and financial support. They can also work to raise awareness about sexual harassment and how to prevent it. Donating to these organizations is one way people can help support victims and fight against sexual harassment.
Report the behavior.
Sexual harassment in the workplace is a form of sex discrimination that is prohibited by the Canadian Human Rights Act. This type of behavior can be a serious and persistent problem in Canadian workplaces.
If you have been sexually harassed at work, you have the right to file a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission. The Commission will investigate your complaint and may take steps to resolve the situation. You can also file a lawsuit against your employer if you believe that they failed to protect you from sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment can have a devastating impact on its victims, both professionally and personally. Some steps that can be taken to address sexual harassment include developing a policy against it, training employees on how to identify and report it, and establishing a complaint process. Overall, it is important to take steps to create a safe and harassment-free workplace for all employees.