Tips for handling bifocal lens

Advancement in age comes with its downsides. Our body parts’ reliability and effectiveness decrease with advancements in age. Presbyopia is one of the conditions associated with aging, defined as the decrease or complete loss of close-range vision among individuals. There is a special scenario where a person experiences both shortsightedness and long-sightedness. Bifocal lenses and glasses are used to help fix this condition. Bifocal lenses contain two lens power (one to cater for the shortsightedness and one for the long-sightedness) this way, the user can see regardless of the distance involved. This bifocal lens can be worn as a contact lens or in glasses. Different eyeglasses brands have designed prescription lenses to serve people who are uncomfortable with wearing glasses or would like to switch between eyeglasses and contact lenses. However, contact lenses are sensitive and must be handled with cater as they could lead to infections if not maintained properly. Below are some tips one could apply when handling a bifocal lens.

You need to relax.

Starting with contact lenses can be crazy; you are unaware of how you will wear them. Will it be comfortable? Will you scratch your eyes? Will the lenses prick your eyes? Starting something new can be stressful, and many things are concerned about. Applying contact senses can be stressful; there is a lot of tension, but you need to relax; most optometrists often offer training on how to apply and remove lenses. You will struggle the first few times, but over time it becomes easy. You only need to worry about hygiene- your hands have to be very clean and your nails trimmed.

Keep your lenses clean.

Eyes can be very sensitive; you must be extra careful when handling them. Any small mistake could lead to infections, and you do not want that happening to you. There are no shortcuts when it comes to cleaning bifocal lenses. For the monthly or 2-weeks lenses, you need to take your time and clean them; there are no shortcuts. When buying lenses, the doctor will provide instructions on how to clean the contact lenses; there is a regimen solution meant to store and clean contact lenses. When storing the contact lenses, do not top on the one you have already used; always use a clean set of solutions to store the lenses and clean them. Your lenses should be replaced within the stipulated period to avoid infections.

Proper disposal of contact lenses and packaging should be done.

Once you notice that your contact lenses have been torn, do not use them again, as they could prick the eye. Do not dispose of your contact lenses in the drainage system as they could lead to blockages; it is advisable to dispose of them with standard garbage. This also applies to the regimen solution; always check for the expiry date. Once contaminated, the solution should be disposed of and replaced with a new bottle.

Follow the provided guidelines.

Do not make your own rules; follow all the instructions given by the doctor. Do not wear the lenses for periods longer than the stipulated time by the doctor. This can lead to irritations and eye infections. This also applies to the solution used in storing the lenses. Never sleep with your contact lenses on unless prescribed otherwise by the doctor. In case of an infection, be apt to seek medical help to avoid adverse effects. 

Bifocal lenses will be an interesting experience; there is nothing to worry about. All you need to do is follow all the provided instructions, work with your optometrist and maintain high levels of hygiene.