Three Reasons Your Car Accident Case May Go to Trial
The majority of car accident claims are settled through negotiations, but sometimes, the parties involved may fail to reach an agreement. Taking an accident case to court is costly and comes with some risks. But there are cases when going to court cannot be avoided. If you are wondering if you should settle outside of the courtroom or proceed with a lawsuit, speak with a car accident attorney as soon as possible. You can find a reliable attorney when you click here. Going to court may be your only option to get the compensation you need if:
You Sustained a Catastrophic Injury
Serious car accidents can result in life-altering injuries like spine trauma, limb amputation, and traumatic brain injury. Due to the disruption these disabling injuries cause, they are considered catastrophic. A catastrophic injury can lead to serious damages such as lost income, reduced earning capacity, lifelong medical expenses, and substantial non-economic damages. If you sustained this injury, your case may end up in court as the insurance company of the at-fault party may refuse to pay the significant amount of compensation you demand from them.
You are Suing a Business
A car accident case may go to trial if the defendant is a business, particularly if serious injuries are sustained. Often, businesses have higher insurance policy limits and more resources. If the insurance company’s settlement offer does not cover your damages fairly, you may want to proceed with a lawsuit. Your lawyer will find evidence that the business made the conditions for their drivers to be in an accident like hiring an inexperienced driver, not maintaining their vehicles properly, or letting their drivers work more hours than what’s allowed by the law.
You Want to Take Your Case to Court
If you insist on taking your car accident to trial, your attorney will respect this. Perhaps you feel that presenting your case to a judge or jury will help you recover more financial compensation than settling your case without court intervention. Also, you may want to appear in court to testify about the accident’s consequences. Depending on your case’s details and your options, your lawyer will try to persuade you to settle your case outside of court if it’s not worth the expenses and risks.
Remember that you and the other party can continue to negotiate a settlement throughout the trial before a verdict is read. Thus, you can still agree with the insurer.