The Future of Business: Why Data Analytics Courses Are in High Demand
Data analytics is the future! You can’t believe these words? Let the statistics do the talking:
- Nearly 60% of all top business leaders admitted they rely on Data Analytics to drive their company innovations and efforts.
- In a Gartner study, 62 top businesses revealed their efforts toward future advancements. 48% mentioned Cloud computing, IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. While 35% were keen on investing in artificial Intelligence, the remaining 62% in IoT, Software, and IT services.
- BARC reports that most organisations consider data, to be an asset, as disclosed by 83% of the surveyed data analytics professionals from top IT firms.
What is Data Analytics?
Data analytics is a broad term used for the set of processes used to sort, mine and categorise raw data into understandable data sets which are used to obtain clear direction regarding business decisions.
For example:
Investment bankers can derive deep insight into market dynamics, stock value predictions and capital appreciation curves through Data Analytics.
These figures derived through Data Analytics are far more accurate than human predictions, hunches or guesswork.
This is one of the main reasons why data analytics courses are so popular today. With companies cutting down losses on their ventures, firms being able to save their capital by not risking an investment on a wonky deal and customers being able to choose the right fund based on data-driven appreciation curves, the need for professionals who have mastered data analytics is pivotal for success.
This applies not just to investment banking, but to all sectors and industries.
Which is the best professional course for data analytics?
One of the best ways to equip yourself with data analytics skills is through a professional course from reputed and proven institutes.
However, if you are a beginner then choosing an entry-level diploma in data analytics, a bachelor’s degree in data analytics or an icebreaker crash course in data analytics can prove to be a good ramp.
If you are a seasoned professional, consider obtaining an executive diploma in data analytics or a certification of expertise in data analytics and AI.
How to choose the best data analytics professional course?
While Data Analytics can be a top choice for those with tech-savvy minds and a knack for logical thinking if you are the creative thinking type and want to tap into the visual side of data analysis, consider investing in data analytics tools professional courses like Power BI, Tableau, Salesforce, Excel etc.
The options are limitless.
Here are some points you need to look out for while choosing professional courses:
Is the data analytics course certified by a recognised institute?
Is there a demand for the certification you are choosing
Does your dream employer accept the data analytics certification you are about to enrol on?
Does this certification help you achieve your personal career goals?
If the course of your choice makes you answer these questions with a resounding “Yes” then don’t hesitate. Take the plunge and upskill yourself. Enroll in the professional courses that can help you succeed today. Connect with us to learn more.