PLANET VPN Review- Should i try this
What is free vpn:
The term “Virtual Private Network,” or VPN, refers to the possibility of creating a secure network connection when utilizing public networks. VPNs mask your online identity and encrypt your internet activity. This makes it more challenging for outside parties to monitor your internet activities and steal data.
Today we are going to tell you a free vpn called planet VPN which fits all devices, all operating systems without having any limit issue.
Here are the main features:
Planet VPN works all the devices such as android, PC, MAC.
You dont have to register for using this free VPN.
Operating systems:
You can use windows and mac
Browser extensions:
You can use this vpn on chrome, mozila firefox, yandex browser and also on opera browser.
Support system: you can have their 24/7 support system via email, live chat.
Becareful about free VPN:
When it comes to “free” products and services, you should always exercise some degree of caution; virtual private networks (VPNs) are not an exception to this rule. There are going to be some free VPNs that are excellent at what they do, but the vast majority of them won’t be able to compete with the commercial VPNs. The following is a small selection of examples of negative encounters using predatory free VPNs:
There are a lot of VPN services that say they are free but end up charging you for something in the end, even if it isn’t money. Some other free services will even track the websites that you visit in order to sell the information they collect to advertising firms. For instance, Hola VPN will rent out your Internet connection to other users for a fee.
Free Virtual Private Network (VPN) software like Turbo VPN may be infected with viruses.
SuperVPN, GeckoVPN, and ChatVPN are three examples of risky and free VPN services that have been found to have compromised its users’ data. In March of 2021, the sensitive information of millions of individuals was stolen and posted on an online hacker forum.
Another example of a free VPN that poses a security risk is the Chinese version of QuickFox, which became embroiled in a controversy in late 2021 after it was discovered that it did not adequately protect its users’ private information.
To put it another way, you might believe that your private information is safe when you use questionable free VPNs, but in reality, your privacy might be compromised even worse. Use only reliable free VPNs, such as the ones provided in this article, when connecting to the internet.
What users told about this VPN-
- Dennis C. Lord from GB shared that he personally tested this vpn and he is amazed to use this one as he finds it secure and reliable.
- Sepehr Behzad told on trustpilot that its good for game which is not allowed to play in iran.
- Benyamin from US told that he tried so many vpns but finally he got a good and perfect free vpn.
- Denis Popov from Russia shared option that he is super happy to see the speed of the vpn.