Low Impact Car Accidents: What You Need to Know

What is low impact vs. high-impact car accident?

Low and high-impact car accidents refer to the collision’s severity. A low-impact car accident is typically defined as an accident where the vehicle’s speed is less than ten mph at the time of impact. These accidents are often referred to as “fender benders” and often result in little or no damage to the vehicles involved. In contrast, a high-impact car accident is typically defined as an accident where the vehicle’s speed is greater than ten mph at the time of impact. These accidents often result in more significant damage to the vehicles involved and can often lead to injuries for the occupants. A low-impact car accident is typically much less severe than a high-impact car accident and often results in little more than property damage.

Can low-impact car accidents cause injury?

While many people believe that low-impact car accidents cannot cause serious injuries, the truth is that even a minor collision can have lasting consequences. The human body is designed to handle a certain amount of force, and injuries can occur when that force is exceeded. In a low-impact car accident, the forces at play are often below the threshold for serious injury. However, that does not mean the vehicle’s occupants will escape unscathed. An impact can cause whiplash or soft tissue damage, even at slow speeds. In addition, low-impact accidents are more likely to result in a hit-and-run, as the driver may not feel the need to stop if there appears to be no damage. As a result, low-impact car accidents can still cause significant injuries and should be taken seriously.

What body parts are hit first in a low-impact car accident?

While every car accident is unique, there are general trends in how a collision impacts human bodies. In a low-impact car accident, it is common for the driver or passengers to be hit first in the chest or head area, and it is because these body parts are typically closest to the point of impact. However, other body areas may also be affected depending on the angle of the collision and the type of restraints being used. For example, if a driver is not wearing a seatbelt, they may be thrown against the steering wheel or dashboard, which can cause injuries to the neck, back, and legs. In any car accident, seeking medical attention as soon as possible is vital to ensure that all damages are adequately treated.

What is low-impact trauma?

Low-impact trauma occurs when an individual experiences a traumatic event but does not sustain physical injuries. While the individual may not have any visible damage, the experience can still have a profound emotional impact. Low-impact trauma can occur in various situations, including natural disasters, car accidents, and violent crimes. Symptoms of low-impact trauma can include nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety, and depression. It is vital to seek professional help if you are struggling to cope with low-impact trauma. With proper treatment, you can begin to heal the emotional wounds caused by the event.