How to change the field of activity at any age?

According to statistics, about 95% of people are dissatisfied with their jobs. About 80% think that the job needs to be changed. 

But those who change the field of activity – only about 30%. Each of us has thought about loving our jobs and changing the way we think about work. After all, you have to love what you do to be self-sufficient. It is worth remembering that it is not always good when a hobby intersects with work. That is why playing in India online casino can not be a job, even if it can bring earnings.

To understand if your job is right for you, you need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you willing to work here for the next five years?
  • How can you grow in your workplace?
  • How often do you feel depressed about your job?

What suppresses the desire to change careers

What prevents a person from deciding to change careers? Of course, the main brake is fear. However, a person’s work mentality also affects the situation.

There is a mentality between the hired worker, the freelancer, and the businessman. And these are three different mentalities that show the degree of maturity of the individual.

When we work for hire, we have a particular pool of tasks and a supervisor who evaluates us every month. If all is well, we get paid. When we become freelancers, the responsibility for the “paycheck” shifts from the boss’s shoulders to our own: our income depends on how we develop and promote our services or products. Therefore, a freelancer must have a high level of interest and mobility. And since no one limits the pool of his tasks, everything depends heavily on self-discipline. If a hired employee is motivated by his boss (by paying a bonus or, on the contrary, by imposing a fine), then in freelancing, a person has no external motivation at all; only internal cause remains. 

For this reason, the transition to freelancing is a challenging task for many. Not everyone is ready to move to a new level of responsibility and discipline and go back to hiring.


The next step is entrepreneurship. There are more established processes, more discipline and regulations, and more systematic approaches to business. The business sphere brings more stability than freelancing and gives more freedom. But the field here also has to be firmer. And, of course, the businessman bears more responsibility for those he employs. This sense of responsibility is somewhat reminiscent of parental custody. At a certain point in their wealth, high-level people in business stop thinking only about money. They start thinking about changing the world around them for the better, and they become philanthropists.

For example, a few years ago, Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg announced that he would give 99% of the company’s profits to charity. Naturally, there was a lot of negative and doubtful coverage on social networks and media. But if you look at Facebook’s turnover, it becomes clear that the remaining 1% of profits can safely “feed” a small state for several decades.

But the path to a high level of entrepreneurship is hindered by various fears. First of all, people are afraid to change something and take responsibility for their lives and the lives of their employees. But if a person has taken on as much as he can carry, gradually, he can increase and expand this responsibility with the help of pumping new skills and competencies. And at this stage, there is a feeling of happiness because of the understanding that you are the master of your own life.

But to grow, you have to get out of your comfort zone and overcome your fears. There is no other method. I advise you to work with psychologists and change your attitudes. We catch a negative attitude and turn it into a positive one. That is, turn the fear into an opportunity. The fact is that fear closes our power. If we make friends with it, we will indeed discover our strengths. If a person knows how to “dive” into pain and discomfort to examine their causes, draw conclusions and learn to do things differently, they will grow.

Billionaires don’t go crazy.

People with very high incomes know how to lose vast amounts of money. They know that there is meaning to their growth in every loss and an opportunity to earn ten times more. This skill is closely related to childhood upbringing. It’s great if parents have explained how to act and the child has heard. But often, the child chooses a scenario from the opposite direction, pushing the boundaries of perception through suffering. Mom warned, but the kid didn’t listen and smashed his knee. Beyond the pain is the wisdom that helps you get to the next level.

So it is with work. People worldwide see work as less of a duty, so the desire to change things in their “over the 30s” is less and less common. But if it does come down to a radical change in activities, you need to follow two rules to avoid breaking the bank.

Try to love your present.

If we are running from something, we are running from ourselves. So if I don’t like something, I try to accept it, love it, and only then look for something better. To do otherwise is to keep coming back to the same problems in new circumstances. So the first rule is to get your workplace in order, among your tasks, and be happy with yourself in the cases in which you are now.

Make decisions in harmony with yourself

It is necessary to remain satisfied with the current affairs. Only in a state of contentment do we begin to take an interest in the world: finding out what’s extra for growth, trying new things, exploring what we like. We try to figure out what we get pleasure from in such a situation. For example, a person wants to do yoga. He goes to class and gradually increases the amount of time practicing. It pleases him and raises him to a certain level of mastery. He continues to invest in what he loves and gradually moves on to, for example, teaching. If he takes 35 working hours to teach yoga, how much more profitable is that than a 40-hour workweek at a place that doesn’t inspire him? It is a primary system for transitioning to a new work activity without losing income.

Every entrepreneur knows that money comes in non-linear ways. Money earned hard is usually hard to spend on upgrading one’s skills in the field one wants to pursue. Many people perceive such investments (in courses, books, travel) as pampering. But after all, the most critical investment is an investment in yourself. To pay for his development is a manifestation of love for himself. The experience one gains along the path of growing up are priceless. 

From a new level, the fears and beliefs that have slowed us down along the way often look different. For example, aspiring entrepreneurs’ major mistake is renting an office or making an expensive website. And in practice, it may turn out that clients come in a completely different way. In my case, it was communication with top managers and business owners. All the schemes and strategies of Andar Bahar online cash game that are initially built can work differently. You have to be prepared for that. That is the experience.