Features of Best Car Insurance

Getting a car insurance is mandatory according to the Motor Vehicle Act of India. You can either get a third party insurance that covers only the damages and liabilities caused to the third party vehicle and does not cover your own or comprehensive plans that cover both. Most often comprehensive plans are considered to be the best and they are picked by car owners.

A car insurance is considered to be the best if it has the following features:

  • Wide-Range Cover:

Best car insurance is the one which has a wide range of cover for your damages. Be it theft, riots/strikes, terrorism, rat/rodent damage, accidental damage due to fire or road accidents, the car insurance should be able to cover it all.
Be sure to read all types of damages that you need for your car and choose the best insurance out there. 

  • No-Claim Bonus (NCB):

You are eligible for a No-Claim Bonus (NCB) for every claim-free year. This discount will reduce your premium amount which makes car insurance more affordable. 

  • Best Customer support:

    Buying the best car insurance doesn’t mean anything if the customer support is poor. Customer support is the first thing we think of when we have any trouble/damage to the car. They help us file claims and make the process easier and faster. So make sure to see how good their customer service is before buying their insurance. 

Chola MS has 24-hour customer service and is also immediately available on whatsapp as well. There are also many customer self services such as tracking the service request/editing the policy by yourself. 

  • Hassle free claims:

 A good insurance company should have a good claim settlement ratio. The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) periodically publishes the Claim Settlement Ratio of insurance companies on its website. You can check the claim settlement ratio before you pick your insurance provider. A plan that promises and delivers hassle free claims would be an important feature for a car insurance plan. 

  • Add-on Covers:

Each car and its owner have their own needs, so add-ons can really help if you need a particular damage cover to be added to your insurance. Each add-on comes with a price that is added to your premium amount so carefully select the one that you require. The best car insurance gives you the option to add any such add-on you may choose, with prudence of course.

  • Cashless Network Garages:

One of the key features of buying a car insurance policy is the cashless garage facility. These garages have tie-ups with the insurance company and offer cashless repair facilities to their customers. Few of them even offer pickup and drop facility so you don’t have to step out from your house.
Checking the number of cashless garage facilities near you is also important before buying car insurance. The best car insurance would give you access to a wide network of garages to utilise this benefit.
Chola MS has 8500+ cashless network garages throughout India. You can check the network garages near you.

  • Online Insurance:

Be it Buying Insurance or filing/tracking claims or editing the insurance – everything should be available online. This will make all processes easier and reduce the expense of paying any middle-men involved. After reading through the entire website and reviews of the company, you should be able to buy/edit the insurance anytime you want.  

You can now easily buy/claim insurance from Chola MS website by following simple steps. Check out our website to know more. 

Image Link: https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/car-auto-motor-insurance-reimbursement-vehicle-concept_26677579.htm#query=benefits%20of%20car%20insurance&position=1&from_view=search&track=sph

