Factors to consider in buying a cost-effective milking machine
Milk is an important food that needs good handling to avoid spoilage and the associated post-harvest losses. A milk producer keen on saving their product from such losses and reaping maximum benefits must adopt a milking machine. The interest of this article is to look at the factors to consider when buying a good milking machine.
Milking machines are agricultural equipment designed for milking animals faster and in hygienic conditions. Traditional milking uses human hands to extract milk from the cow.
Milking machines are designed with the aspect of simulating traditional milking to give the animal the feel of comfort and safety. Hygiene is put into great consideration in making these machines to prevent post-harvest losses associated with hand milking. See double cow milking machine.
Features to look for in an effective milking machine
Pulsating cycles; milking machines give the cow a similar feeling to that given by the human hand. A machine with a pulsating cycle of 40-60 times per minute gives the cow a comfortable feel during milking. A good machine should have a pulsating vacuum pump to generate the pulse.
Materials for construction of the milking machine; all the materials used in constructing the milking machine are safe and non-toxic. Because milk is food, the materials of construction are food-grade. The cups are made of natural rubber that is non-toxic, soft, and gentle, making the cow feel comfortable and safe during milking.
Bucket for the milk; the milk from the cow gets into this during milking. The bucket is made of rust-resistant stainless steel and is easy to clean and carry. Rust-resistance of the steel prevents milk from acquiring the undesirable taste of rust. The quality and desirability of the produced milk are factors to consider in the milking machine price in Kenya.
Sealing ring; a machine with a good seal prevents leakage and spillage of milk during milking. The seal is easy to install and remove during cleaning.
Power for the milking machine; is powered by a battery or electric current. One powered by a battery has the advantage of portability. However, for heavy milking, electric power would provide a better option.
Automation of the product; milking using a machine is a highly automated process that should have a well-programmed system to control the many stages of milking. The machine has a control device that senses the level of the milk in the milk bucket to prevent milk overflow and spillage. All the control unit knobs are easily accessible for ease of control and setting.
Balanced design; Machines for milking have an elaborate balance in their design. The strong materials have a balance of being both heavy and light. The wheels of the machines are made of heavy materials for rolling. However, the available materials are light enough for ease of use and portability.
A good milking machine should possess the features discussed above. As an individual with the desire to reap from investments made in farming, do not take a risk in using equipment that is not effective. It is time you try one that is cost-effective and has all the benefits you desire.