Diseases of the Heart’s Valves: What They Are, and How to Fix Them

What Is Heart Valve Disease?

What is cardiomyopathy? The disease of the heart valves, which allow blood to travel just one way through the heart, is rather frequent. Blood flow issues might develop when a heart valve isn’t functioning properly. Medication can assist with these issues, but it isn’t always enough. Determine whether you need a valve repair or replacement from your doctor.

Heart Valve Disease

This is referred to as heart valve disease when one or more of the heart’s valves cannot function properly. If heart valve disease goes untreated, it might increase cardiac output. This might lower your standard of living and possibly jeopardize your life. Medical professionals may often repair or replace heart valves with surgery or less invasive treatment, enabling patients to resume their regular lives.

Returning blood from the body flows into the heart’s right atrium, where it passes via the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. Afterwards, it travels via the pulmonary valve and artery to the lungs for oxygenation.

To replenish the heart’s left atrium with oxygenated blood, the pulmonary veins carry the blood from the lungs. The mitral valve is responsible for the passage of blood from the left atrium to the left ventricle. The aortic valve controls the flow of oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the rest of the body through the aorta.

The leaflets of your heart valves are little flaps of tissue that open during the systolic phase of your pulse to enable blood to flow through the heart. During the other half of each pulse, these leaflets shut to stop blood from flowing backwards. You have two leaflets on your mitral valve, but the other valves in your body have three.

What Purpose Do Heart Valves Perform?

When the tricuspid and mitral valves are open, blood travels from the right and left atriums to the ventricles. The tricuspid and mitral valves close when the ventricles are at capacity. With this mechanism in place, the ventricles can contract without worrying about blood draining back into the atria. Blood is pushed out of the ventricles when they contract, opening the pulmonic and aortic valves. When the aortic valve opens, blood flows from the left ventricle into the aorta and the rest of the body. When the pulmonic valve opens, blood flows from the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery.

When the ventricles have completed their contraction and are beginning to relax, the aortic and pulmonic valves close. Because of these valves, blood cannot return to the ventricles. Throughout a heartbeat, this rhythm is repeated, ensuring a steady supply of blood to the organs.

Where Does Heart Valve Disease Come From?

Heart valve disease may be present from birth (congenital) or develop later in life (acquired). However, the root cause of valve disease remains a mystery in certain cases.

Heart defect present at birth. The aortic and pulmonic valves are often affected by this condition. Missized valves, valves with incorrectly connected leaflets, and valves with otherwise useful leaflets are all possible issues.

Aortic valve disease is present from birth and is a congenital disability. The bicuspid aortic valve contains just two leaflets, or cusps, instead of the usual three. In the absence of the third leaflet, the valve may become stiff (failing to open or shut normally) or leaky (not able close tightly).

What Signs Should I Look For?

Heart valve disease often goes unnoticed because it occurs so seldom. However, when the heart valve condition deteriorates, the heart must work harder to compensate for the diminished blood flow. These symptoms may develop if heart valve disease worsens over time:

  • Experiencing increasing difficulty breathing, particularly while exercising or resting down.
  • Palpitations (skipped beats or a flip-flop sensation in the chest) (skipped beats or a flip-flop feeling in the chest).
  • Edema (swelling of the ankles, foot or abdomen) (swelling of the ankles, feet or abdomen).
  • A feeling of weakness or lightheadedness.
  • Fast gaining of weight.

How Can Doctors Determine Whether Someone Has Heart Valve Disease?

Heart valve disease may be diagnosed after a discussion of symptoms, a physical examination, and further testing with your cardiologist.

The doctor can hear the heart’s noises when the valves open and shut during a physical exam. When blood flows through a stenotic or leaky valve, it creates a swishing sound known as a murmur. If your heart is enlarged or your heartbeat is irregular, a doctor will be able to inform you.

After Replacing A Heart Valve, How Long Does It Take For The Patient To Feel Normal Again?

After heart surgery, you might spend five to seven days in the hospital. The subsequent time to full health is estimated at four to eight weeks. Your doctor may suggest cardiac rehabilitation, a carefully controlled exercise programme to aid your recovery.


The best course of action is something you and your doctor can discuss. You can always do something in addition to what your service provider performs.