7 Tips To Protect Your Hair From Holi Colours

Holi is all about a splash of colours, a festival of vibrant celebrations, tuning on to your favourite Holi numbers and satiating your taste buds with those Holi special delicacies. This is the time when we do not think twice about splurging on those coloured gulals. While we cannot deny the playful spirit of this colourful event, at the same time we often fail to realise these chemical-infused coloured powders can damage your beloved, beautiful hair strands.

If you have been refraining from indulging in the colourful festivities worrying about your hair, it’s time to brush away the fear with some cool hair care tips. It’s important that you indulge yourself in a religious pre and post-Holi hair care routine and there you are all set to soak in the colourful festivities of Holi 2024.

So Here’s Cool Time-Tested Hack to Protect Your Hair From the Holi Colours 

1. Remember the hero “champi” ingredient of our moms? Yes, we are talking about coconut oil for hair. It has enormous unspoken benefits. It is extremely important to give your hair a good oiling session with the purest coconut oil available. While choosing your bottle, make sure it is cold-pressed and extra virgin. The Indus Valley Bio Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil can be a good choice as it also contains Vitamin E. Oil your hair properly so that colours cannot harm your tresses. This purest form of coconut oil is free from chemicals and parabens. One of the main reasons for oiling is that the harsh chemicals of the colours would not be able to penetrate the roots as your oil would act as the barrier friend. So a dedicated oiling session is a must-present factor in your Pre-Holi checklist.

2. The next smart tip in your Holi haircare is the way you style your hair. Always opt for high buns of tights braids, because open hairs are more exposed to get damaged from colours. Also, you can put on a cap or scarf; it may give you a protection shield to your hair and also a stylish look.

3. Now enjoy Holi carefree. But don’t forget your post-holi hair care routine if you want to avoid post-Holi hair fall. Because let’s face it, no matter how good the colour you have, it will always have chemicals that would damage your hair otherwise. Rinse your hair properly with a good shampoo. As we speak of a good shampoo, it is important to note that it is free from the effects of various toxic chemicals and also contains the necessary haircare ingredients. The Indus Valley Grow Out Shampoo can be your choice as it not only cleanses your hair, but has proven formulations that assists in hair growth. With the hero composition of super haircare ingredients like hibiscus flower extract, bhringraj leaf extract and + 17 other herbs. Bhringraj is rich in nutrients like iron, vitamin E, magnesium, and polypeptides that help nourish the hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. Hibiscus contains vitamins and amino acids that nourish the hair, making it stronger and less prone to breakage.

4. Post-Holi hair is usually dry, untamed and super frizzy. Just a shampoo session is not enough to pacify the hydration needs. Post wash you can use a good conditioner or indus valley hair spa. It acts like a conditioner and hair mask that retains your shine and smoothness. Indus Valley Ultima Hair Spa Cream incorporates a blend of natural ingredients, including pea protein and pure sandalwood oil, each offering unique benefits for hair care. Pea protein, known for its rich content of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, plays a crucial role in nourishing and repairing damaged hair. Sandalwood oil, another key ingredient, is highly effective in treating hair conditions like dandruff due to its cooling and calming effects on the scalp. This one is a good hair mask for dry hair, and it profoundly nourishes the hair follicles. Undoubtedly it is the best hair mask for frizzy hair. This herbal formulation suits all hair types, and does wonders Not only during as post-Holi remedy, but can be used through-out the year.

5. The next step in your Holi hair care regimen involves selecting a good serum. However, the use of a serum is not limited to Holi festivities alone. It’s important to follow every hair wash with a good serum. The Indus Valley Argan Hair Care Oil Serum can be the perfect luxurious choice to give your hair the superior silky finish it craves for. This can help you to tame your dry, frizzy locks. This argan serum provides nourishment to the hair and scalp and prevents them from getting brittle. This 2-in-1 oil serum is infused and enriched with various properties like Omega3, anti-oxidants, Vitamins, and proteins that are highly beneficial for achieving healthy hair.

6. Lastly, consider adding a hair pack to your routine to further improve your hair health. Maintaining a healthy hair routine post-Holi is essential, and fortifying your hair follicles with superfoods is key. Incorporate popular haircare products such as hibiscus powder, Brahmi powder, Amla powder, and Bhringraj powder into your regular hair care pack and apply it weekly.

7. Before wrapping up the Holi 2024 hair care guide, let me help you with the secret ingredients of hair care. The Indus Valley Bio Organic Fenugreek seed powder is rich in nutrients that are essential for hair growth such as folic acid, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, and Vitamin C, along with minerals like potassium, calcium, and iron. Bio Organic Henna powder offers nourishment to the hair, promotes hair growth, and covers grey hair.

So wishing you all a very Happy Holi with the brightest colours and the safest, quickest and proven hair care tips.