5 Joys Of Outdoors Has Always Been Free Easy

Time in the outdoors has always been free, easy, and accessible, especially for activities like walking, running, cycling, or letting yourself soak in your emotions. However, the truth is more nuanced than that.

Historically, indigenous and black communities and people of colour (POC) have traditionally had less access to nature than white communities. Communities of colour are less likely to live in places closer to nature. In addition, risks like intimidation, stereotyping, or even violence when enjoying outdoor areas are also higher for them. Regardless of ethnicity and religion, everyone deserves an equal chance to experience the joy of the outdoors.

Thankfully, we’ve gathered some benefits you can rack up from doing things outdoors.


Nature is a better activity than playing online bingo in the Philippines. For people who have suffered from a range of chronic, stress-related health issues—like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and other medical conditions with their families preceding them in such suffering, it has become imperative for people to live and move in ways that can allow them to feel free and prevent such problems from occurring. One way to do this is to involve oneself in physical movement actively. The more time one can spend in the woods or outdoors, the easier it is to stabilize one’s metabolic profile.

Running on trails can also provide a fulfilling experience. When in nature, there is tranquillity. The trees are quiet, the migratory birds continue chirping, and the footfalls are rhythmic. It’s also an excellent way to engage in self-discovery!

Physical Health

Outdoor activities have an inherent benefit. As stated and described earlier, people use them to avoid repeating their families’ illnesses, and the logic for this is because of physical activities. They include hiking, biking, and swimming; moreover, the activities require movement and exertion, which can result in stronger muscles and overall better fitness. Outdoor activities also mean more sunlight, which gives the body a natural source of Vitamin D for healthy bones and a more muscular immune system. They also involve clean air, allowing us to breathe deeply, helping with lung capacity, and clearing our minds.

Mental Well-being

Outdoor time can help manage stress levels, help moods stabilize and feel better, and enhance mental clarity. Nature’s beauty and tranquillity do a lot for us who feel stressed from the grind of daily life and the 8-hour routine, regardless of whether we are students or working adults. A considerable aspect of outdoor activities is concentration, which can lead us to good places to go through mindfulness and focus on the present moment.

Connection with Nature

Lastly, there is the connection to nature. A connection to nature is essential because we are the assigned creatures who will protect it. We also witness our planet’s biodiversity, deepening our love and appreciation for the natural world and what is in it. Thus, we have to advocate for our planet and its safety.


Lastly is peace. Spending time in nature can help you present in the current moment. It also allows you to break from our ever-busy world that overlaps digital and physical worlds.

Wrapping Up

Outdoors is a charming place to be. It is not only just a representation of our biodiversity. However, it can heal, strengthen, and motivate us to go to good places.